Proceedings of the State Level Review Workshop for KVKs of Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa held on 2 May, 2016 at Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
To review the performance of the KVKs during 2015-16 and finalization of the action plan for 2016-17, State Level Review Workshop for KVKs of Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa was convened at Bihar Veterinary College, Patna under the Chairmanship of Dr. S. K. Roy, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata on 2nd May, 2016.
The following persons were participated in the meeting-
- S. K. Roy, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata
- K. M. Singh, Director Extension Education, RAU, Pusa
- F. H. Rahman, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata
- K. S. Das, Senior Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata
- B. Shahi, Nodal Officer of KVKs, RAU, Pusa
- PCs/ SMSs of 13 KVKs of RAU, Pusa
At the outset, Dr. F. H. Rahman Principal Scientist, ATARI, Kolkata welcomed Director ATARI, Director Extension Education, RAU, Nodal Officer (KVKs), all Programme Coordinators and SMSs present at the review meeting.
Dr. S. K. Roy, in his remarks, congratulated all PCs and staffs of the KVKs for their excellent performance in cluster demonstration, PMFBY, issuance of soil health cards etc. He emphasized the KVKs to give special importance on conduction of clustered demonstration since the programme is being monitored by highest authority. He briefed about the objectives of the workshop and outlined the manner in which it was going to be conducted. Selected KVKs under different host organizations would present their salient achievements of the year 2015-16 and action plan for the coming year i.e. 2016-17, while a group-wise scrutiny would be made by the DEEs and the scientists of the ATARI, individually for all of the KVKs divided into two groups, ensuring the submission of both hard and soft copies of the Annual Report and Action Plan. Any specific suggestion/ modification/ improvement would be communicated to the particular KVK during such group-wise scrutiny. He also expressed his concern on the following issues-
- The SoE/ UC/ AUC must be submitted in due time for timely fund release.
- The fund allotted for installing biometrics must be utilized for the purpose by all the KVKs.
- No HRD programme or SAC meeting should be conducted during the month of March.
- No over-expenditure in any head shall be allowed.
- Realistic budget estimate is to be submitted.
- Recruitment of vacant position must be expedited by the host organization.
- KVK specific 2-3 salient achievements may be centered for future KVK activities.
- No revalidation of fund would be entertained.
- Farmers/plots in the field must be properly selected.
- The KVK activities should be properly depicted with banners, boards, farm layout, soil fertility map, ongoing programmes etc.
- Copy of Annual Report and Action Plan must be countersigned by the competent authority of Host Organizations before submitting to ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata.
Dr. K. M. Singh, in his remarks, welcomed everyone and informed the house that the University is going to fill up non-technical posts very soon. He instructed all KVKs that all payments by KVKs have to be made by cheques or RTGS. He also urged that all KVKs will develop their own website before monthly meeting of May, 2016. Dr. Singh also informed the house that under new initiatives of the University, additional resources e.g. Laser Land Leveller, Mini Daal Mill, Banana Fibre Extraction Unit, Solar Panel for irrigation etc. are going to be provided to some selected KVKs. The digitization will be given more preference for rapid spread of research technologies at the farmers’ doorstep.
The points, in general, to be followed by all KVKs, are given below-
- The pending results for OFTs and FLDs to be submitted as early as possible.
- Those KVKs which have not included SAC proceedings, should submit the same immediately.
- The targeted number of trainings (at least 100) and no. of participants (at least 2500) must be achieved.
- For some KVKs village seed production to be increased along with planting materials (1 lakh) and fish fingerlings.
- Farmers’ feedback on FLDs to be submitted immediately.
- Work on neem-coated urea is to be started in the KVKs.
- Report on success story, innovative farmer and Entrepreneur of the district to be submitted with good quality meaningful photographs.
- The even distribution of messages in different categories under National Farmers Portal may be followed.
- KVKs must develop and update their respective websites.
- Most of the KVKs should recast their revenue and resource generation.
- The report in specific formats for manpower, TSP and Cluster FLDs on Pulses and Oilseed must be submitted by the participating KVKs.
- Farmers’ expectations from the KVKs should me met up as far as possible.
- KVK should work towards developing/ improving their own identity in the district.
- Constraints faced by the KVKs may be clearly spelt out for their remediation.
- Case studies for large scale adoption to be documented and communicated to ATARI.
- Fund requirement for priority wise infrastructure development can be given in the BE.
- NFSM/NMOP audit utilization to be sent.
- Awareness/ health/ vaccination camp for animals should be organised with the help of line departments/ university where animal scientist is not available in the KVK.
- Efforts should be made for entrepreneurship development.
- Number of scientist’s visit to farmers’ field should be increased.
- KVKs were instructed to work on neem coated urea under INM Programme.
- Contingent plan should be improvised once or twice a year.
- All KVKs should celebrate/ observe different National Science Days like World Food Day, World Environment Day, World Veterinary Day, International Soil Day etc.
- All KVKs should organize one Technology Week with support of NABARD.
The workshop ended with the vote of thanks from Dr. K. S. Das.